Managing Urban Heat
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Badge earners have successfully completed a specialised short course in managing urban heat, gaining the skill to identify climatic phenomena affecting buildings and open spaces in urban environments. They have acquired practical skills in data collection & modelling to identify local urban overheating problems & assess mitigation strategies. They can analyse the impact of the urban climate on energy use, thermal comfort, health, & the environmental performance of the urban built environment.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Earners of this badge have completed 35 hours of study, encompassing learning activities across 5 modules, which include the following components:
Read evidence-based research, theories and scholarly articles.
Watch video lectures by leading academics from UNSW's School of Built Environment, including Scientia Prof Matthaios Santamouris and A/Prof Lan Ding and complete formal/informal learning assessments.
Engage with the ENVI-Met microclimate stimulation tool; complete online learning activities.