University College Community Service Badge
Issued by
Zayed University
This badge is awarded to students who have gone above and beyond, successfully completing an additional 5 hours of Community Service on top of the 5 hours required for the mandatory Life Skills course (COL 120), as evidenced by their site supervisor’s testimonial and the student’s reflective writing on their experience. Students who earn this badge have valuable work experience and a commitment to helping their community.
- Type Experience
- Time Months
Earning Criteria
Successfully pass Life Skills course (COL 120) and required group work
Complete 5 hours of community service per course requirement, plus at least 5 additional hours of community service to qualify for the University College Community Service Badge
Each group completes an oral presentation, including visual aids, about their research findings and their experience competing the community service. Submit APA reference list and use APA in-text citations.
Each group submits a portfolio which contains documentation of the project from start to finish including the team charter, presentation, references, copies of information sources, evidence of service, etc.
Each student must complete a written self-evaluation and reflection about their own performance working on the project and in their group, and their experience completing the community service.