- Type Experience
- Time Years
ZU PALs Manager
Issued by
Zayed University
The PALs Manager plays an important role in the academic development of their peers. Peer interaction, peer support and role modeling are all components of the PAL Manager’s support. Managers have excellent interpersonal behavior and demonstrate outstanding leadership skills in supporting the Program and university events. They assist the Program Coordinator in strategic and operational decisions and have regular meetings to discuss strategic planning and how to implement tasks/activities.
- Type Experience
- Time Years
Earning Criteria
Maintain cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater. Remain in good academic and judicial standing. Enroll at university for at least four semesters.
Serve as a Peer Ambassador Leader for a minimum of one year. Spend a minimum of 2- 4 hours per week supporting other students with their academic development. Assist with new PAL applicant's selection process. Manage and coordinate PALs duties and activities. Assist with various internal and/or external events.
Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills. Demonstrate dedication, responsibility, confidence, and adaptibility. Score pass rate of 90% in end of semester Appraisal.