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Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement

The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) is a national non-profit. It is dedicated to the employment, development, and advancement of Latino/a/x/e and diverse professionals. Since 1982, HACE has served as a resource for individuals in the workplace. It is a subject matter expert for corporations seeking to access diverse talent. By providing professional development, resources, networking opportunities, and access to career opportunities, HACE helps individuals succeed in every phase of their careers. HACE is Hispanic serving not Hispanic exclusive.
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement

Mujeres de HACE Women's Leadership Development Program

The Mujeres de HACE Program (MdH) is a one-of-a-kind cohort-based leadership program that provides an individualized and culturally relevant curriculum. Since 2008, MDH has empowered high-potential Latinas to succeed professionally and personally thrive. This has led program participants towards higher levels of career positions and personal growth.
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