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O&B Academy

O&B first started offering Java development training in 2005. Today, we proudly deliver a fully-comprehensive Java curriculum, ranging from Java Fundamentals through to Enterprise Java Best Practices, and a range of Spring Framework training, including microservices development with Spring Cloud. We were the first to provide professional Agile training in the Philiippines, covering eXtreme Programming (XP) as well as Agile delivery methodologies (Scrum and Kanban), and Agile Leadership. We also provide Enterprise- level Kubernetes and Devops training.
O&B Academy


This collection of badges celebrates the accomplishments of individuals who have successfully completed O&B Academy's certification programs. Each badge signifies a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of the subject matter, reflecting the holder's dedication to professional development and mastery of critical skills. Proudly display your badges to showcase your achievements and continuous learning journey with O&B Academy, where expertise meets innovation.
4 badges