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List Recommendations

List all recommendations that you have access to.


GET /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations
Query Param Description
filter=<filter> Gets badge templates that match the specified filter
sort=<sort> Sorts the results based on the sort parameter
page=<page_number> Gets the specified page of badge templates


The filter parameter has the following format: key::value. You can combine keys for stricter searches, e.g. state::active|query::archery.

Results can be filtered with the following keys:

Key Description
title Partial matches on recommendation name


The sort parameter has the following format: key1|key2. You can optionally include a - to indicate descending order. e.g. -title would return results in reverse-alphabetical order.

Results can be sorted with the following keys:

Key Description
title Name of the recommendation


At most 50 results are returned at a time. Include an optional page parameter to fetch the next page of results.


200 OK

  "data": [
      "id": "941e9d86-43fe-4f18-b463-e42d1bca719c",
      "title": "Another Badge",
      "type": "badge",
      "recommended_badge_template_id": "cf9bdf2c-ffcc-4de1-9f35-8be3871410b6",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-26T07:27:53.629Z",
      "badge_templates_count": 0
      "id": "4b8b2c97-b61b-4db1-8a65-8f176d080a1e",
      "title": "My First Badge",
      "type": "badge",
      "recommended_badge_template_id": "44833497-e12a-44e0-9675-dd4cce8052c4",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-26T07:27:53.614Z",
      "badge_templates_count": 1
      "id": "192e74d7-f002-4ec8-9111-a920e57fe9c3",
      "title": "Recommendation Title",
      "type": "information",
      "activity_url": "",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-26T07:27:53.633Z",
      "badge_templates_count": 0
  "metadata": {
    "count": 3,
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_count": 3,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "per": 50,
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "next_page_url": null

Recommendation Details

Request details for a single recommendation


GET /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations/<recommendation_id>


200 OK

  "data": {
    "id": "331f40b1-71f8-403a-994e-800dbbf76840",
    "title": "My First Badge",
    "type": "badge",
    "activity_url": "",
    "recommended_badge_template_id": "bd48639a-107c-4074-9364-a559af62f0ce",
    "url": "/org/acclaim/badge/my-first-badge",
    "issuer_name": "Acclaim",
    "image_url": null,
    "issuer_icon": null,
    "description": "Dynamically deliver go forward e-tailers",
    "badge_template_ids": [
  "metadata": {

List Badge Templates

List Badge Templates that link to a Recommendation


GET /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations/<recommendation_id>/badge_templates

Query parameters, input and output are identical to the Badge Template list endpoint. See Badge Templates.


200 OK

  "data": [
      "id": "00bc7d59-4c6a-4765-9414-8d2709760671",
      "image_url": null,
      "name": "Another Badge",
      "public": true,
      "updated_at": "2019-06-24T18:38:02.583Z",
      "owner": {
        "id": "e67ebfdb-e23f-5789-a31d-6c5668bb09b8",
        "name": "Acclaim"
  "metadata": {
    "count": 1,
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_count": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "per": 50,
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "next_page_url": null

Create Badge Recommendation

Create a new recommendation for a Badge Template.


POST /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations
Query Param Description
type=badge This must always be "badge" for badge-type recommendations
recommended_badge_template_id=<guid> The recommended Badge Template id
badge_template_ids=<array> A list of badge templates that should include this recommendation

Request Body

  "type": "badge",
  "recommended_badge_template_id": "8bc4ad34-d05d-4222-8c42-bd035ba12f14",
  "badge_template_ids": [


201 Created

  "data": {
    "id": "30c100f3-2d4a-4108-9619-bf7d3d86ac8b",
    "title": "My Badge",
    "type": "badge",
    "activity_url": "",
    "recommended_badge_template_id": "8bc4ad34-d05d-4222-8c42-bd035ba12f14",
    "url": "/org/acclaim/badge/my-badge",
    "issuer_name": "Acclaim",
    "image_url": null,
    "issuer_icon": null,
    "description": "Dynamically deliver go forward e-tailers",
    "badge_template_ids": [
  "metadata": {

Create URL Recommendation

Create a new recommendation for a URL.


POST /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations
Query Param Description
type=<recommendation type> The recommendation type. Valid types include: information, education, employment, participation, offer
title=<string> The name of the recommendation
description=<string> The description of the recommendation
activity_url=<url> The recommended URL
badge_template_ids=<array> A list of zero or more badge templates that should include this recommendation

Request Body

  "title": "Go to this URL",
  "description": "This is a wonderful URL",
  "type": "information",
  "activity_url": "",
  "badge_template_ids": [


201 Created

  "data": {
    "id": "48abd7a8-9f12-4675-89cd-bd706c1a7c63",
    "title": "Go to this URL immediately!",
    "type": "information",
    "activity_url": "",
    "recommended_badge_template_id": null,
    "url": "",
    "issuer_name": "Acclaim",
    "image_url": null,
    "issuer_icon": null,
    "description": "This is a very important URL.",
    "badge_template_ids": [
  "metadata": {

Update an Existing Recommendation

This endpoint is identical to Create, except that a current id should be passed in with the request.


PATCH /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations/<recommendation_id>

Request Body

  "id": "2e9214fc-f455-4403-b3d8-445392e89417",


200 OK

  "data": {
    "id": "7261444c-3188-4d2a-95d1-795fe8348d8f",
    "title": "My First Badge",
    "type": "badge",
    "activity_url": "",
    "recommended_badge_template_id": "1b4eeacc-525d-41a5-9fec-c32fc458ea53",
    "url": "/org/acclaim/badge/my-first-badge",
    "issuer_name": "Acclaim",
    "image_url": null,
    "issuer_icon": null,
    "description": "Dynamically deliver go forward e-tailers",
    "badge_template_ids": [
  "metadata": {

Delete a Recommendation

Delete an existing recommendation.


DELETE /organizations/<organization_id>/recommendations/<recommendation_id>


204 No Content